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Safety of visually impaired and partially sighted people on rail platforms in Poland – existing state and mistakes committed



Safety of visually impaired and partially sighted people on rail platforms in Poland – existing state and mistakes committed



Poliński, Janusz
Ochociński, Krzysztof



The Railway Institute, 50 Chłopickiego Józefa str., PL 04-275 Warsaw, Poland
Бібліографічний опис: Poliński, Ja. Safety of visually impaired and partially sighted people on rail platforms in Poland – existing state and mistakes committed [Електронний ресурс] / Janusz Poliński, Krzysztof Ochociński // Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава. — 2016. — Вип. 1 (14). — С. 59-70. — Режим доступу до журн.: http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2016/16pjaamc.pdf.
Bibliographic description (International):  Poliński, Ja. & Ochociński, K. (2016). Safety of visually impaired and partially sighted people on rail platforms in Poland – existing state and mistakes committed. Socio-Economic Problems and the State. 14 (1), 59-70. doi:10.14254/2223-3822.2016.14-1.7
Issue:  1
Volume:  14

Дата публікації:

(Date of publication)

Submitted date:  February, 2016





JEL:  R41

Ключові слова:

(Key words)

disposable income
loans and liabilities

Діапазон сторінок:


Анотація (Abstract):  Accessibility of transport infrastructure and public space for visually impaired and partially sighted people depends on ensuring the safe movement. Tactile elements provide such safety for visually impaired people. In Poland, there is a lack of standards regulating the use of tactile elements in transport. This results in a variety of markings warning against the same type of danger, what leads to the new transport barriers. The article shows the action effects, which were not preceded by the preparation of standards (tram, rail) and reveals a sequence of proper approach for the Warsaw Underground. The procedure of proper operations is indicated. It arises through an analysis of trials and mistakes committed in Poland. Such procedure should be used by those countries, which have not yet applied tactile elements for visually impaired people and whish to apply them in transport infrastructure.
URI:  http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16850
ISSN:  2223-3822
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Журнал „Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава“, 2016, Випуск 1(14)
