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Проблема охорони приватності в Інтернеті: роль конфіденційності, урядового регулювання і технологічних рішень



Проблема охорони приватності в Інтернеті: роль конфіденційності, урядового регулювання і технологічних рішень

Інші назви:

(Other titles) 
Challenge of guarding online privacy: role of privacy seals, government regulations and technological solutions


Бхасін, Мадан
Бхасин, Мадан
Bhasin, Madan
Бібліографічний опис: Бхасін M. Проблема охорони приватності в Інтернеті: роль конфіденційності, урядового регулювання і технологічних рішень / Мадан Лал Бхасін // Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава. — 2016. — Вип. 2 (15). — С. 85-104.
Bibliographic description (International):  Bhasin, M. (2016). Challenge of guarding online privacy: role of privacy seals, government regulations and technological solutions. Socìalʹno-ekonomìčnì Problemì ì Deržava. 15 (2), 85-104.

Дата публікації:

(Date of publication)
УДК: (UDC)  342.9

Ключові слова:

(Key words)
online privacy
trust seals
government regulation
technology-based solutions

Короткий огляд (реферат):

(Short preview)

The state of privacy in the 21st century is a worldwide concern, given the Internet’s global reach. The privacy violation on the internet is a significant problem and internet users have a right to adequate privacy. New e-business technologies have increased the ability of online merchants to collect, monitor, target, profile, and even sell personal information about consumers to third parties. Governments, business houses and employers collect data and monitor people, but their practices often threaten an individual’s privacy. Because vast amount of data can be collected on the Internet and due to global ramifications, citizens worldwide have expressed concerns over increasing cases of privacy violations. Several privacy groups, all around the world, have joined hands to give a boost to privacy movement. Consumer privacy, therefore, has attracted the widespread attention of regulators across the globe. With the European Directive already in force, “trust seals” and “government regulations” are the two leading forces pushing for more privacy disclosures. Of course, privacy laws vary throughout the globe but, unfortunately, it has turned out to be the subject of legal contention between the European Union and the United States. The EU has adopted very strict laws to protect its citizens’ privacy, in sharp contrast, to ‘lax-attitude’ and ‘self-regulated’ law of the US. For corporations that collect and use personal information, now ignoring privacy legislative and regulatory warning signs can prove to be a costly mistake. An attempt has been made in this paper to summarize the privacy legislation prevalent in Australia, Canada, the US, the EU, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. It is expected that a growing number of countries will adopt privacy laws to foster e-commerce. Accountability for privacy and personal data protection needs to be a joint effort among governments, privacy commissioners, organizations and individuals themselves.
URI:  http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18216
ISSN:  2223-3822
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Журнал „Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава“, 2016, Випуск 2(15)
