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Economic assessment of losses caused by contamination of soil resources within effective their use



Economic assessment of losses caused by contamination of soil resources within effective their use



Kucher, Anatoliy
Kazakova, Irina
Kucher, Lesya

Бібліографічний опис:

(Bibliographic description)

Kucher A. Economic assessment of losses caused by contamination of soil resources within effective their use [Електронний ресурс] / Anatoliy Kucher, Irina Kazakova, Lesya Kucher // Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава. — 2015. — Вип. 1 (12). — С. 190-199. — Режим доступу до журн.: http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2015/15kaaetu.pdf

Дата публікації:

(Date of publication)








Ключові слова:

(Key words)

agricultural lands
ecological and economic losses
soil contamination
losses of profit



Випуск 1 (12);

Короткий огляд (реферат):

(Short preview)


The article analyzes the current state of soil contamination in Ukraine and valid method of determining loss from contamination. Losses from soil contamination can be direct and indirect ones. Direct losses, on the total, characterize reduction of consumer’s cost of land as a tool and object of labour. Indirect losses are predefined by decline in yield of agricultural crops on contaminated soils, worsened quality of products, increase in unit-cost of contaminated produce through increased per cent of semi-fixed expenditures due to reduced crop productivity. A scientific and methodical approach to the assessment of internal ecological and economic losses of agricultural enterprises from soil contamination isgrounded. Basic criteria to determinate internal ecological and economical losses from soils’ contamination are losses of profit whose obtaining is the main goal of the enterprise performance in marketing conditions. Major constituents of internal ecological and economical loss incurred by an agrarian enterprise are: losses of profit due to obtaining less products than expected, because of shortage of crop yield through contamination of soils; losses of profit due to deteriorated qualityof agricultural produce through contamination of soils; losses of enterprise profits due to increase of product unit-cost through declined labour productivity, predefined by reduction of crop-yield productivity at the same rates of semi-fixed expenditures. Such complex science & methodical approach to determination of loss on microeconomical level can help one completely identify losses of agricultural production, caused bycontamination of soils and strengthening one’s attention hereto, possibly, increasing responsibility of contaminants for quality of soils and products obtained hereof.



ідентифікатор ресурсу)





Розташовується в колекціях:

(Is situated in collections)

Журнал „Соціально-економічні проблеми і держава“, 2015, Випуск 1(12)




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